services-api / / ProjectorState


data class ProjectorState : Parcelable

Aggregates all the information about the projector:

  • settings
  • position
  • power


orientation - Angle between the projected image bottom and the horizon. Between 0 and 78 degrees.

focus - Focus knob position between 0 and 100.

autoFocus - Automatically set the focus based on wall distance. Overrides focus.

autoKeystone - Automatically set the keystone based on orientation

disabled - No longer used.

powerOn - Tells if the projector is powered.

ledOn - Tells if the LEDs are on.

keystone - Shapes the image. Between -40 and 40 degrees.

zoom - Projected image zoom. Between 0 and 100.

brightness - Projected image brightness between 0 and 100.

contrast - Projected image contrast between 0 and 100.

displayMode - DisplayMode

displayPosition - DisplayPosition

aspectRatio - AspectRatio


CREATOR companion object CREATOR : Creator<ProjectorState>
Parcelable boilerplate.


<init> ProjectorState(orientation: Int? = null, focus: Int? = null, autoFocus: Boolean? = null, autoKeystone: Boolean? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, powerOn: Boolean? = null, ledOn: Boolean? = null, keystone: Int? = null, zoom: Int? = null, brightness: Int? = null, contrast: Int? = null, displayMode: DisplayMode? = null, displayPosition: DisplayPosition? = null, aspectRatio: AspectRatio? = null)
Aggregates all the information about the projector:


aspectRatio val aspectRatio: AspectRatio?
autoFocus val autoFocus: Boolean?
Automatically set the focus based on wall distance. Overrides focus.
autoKeystone val autoKeystone: Boolean?
Automatically set the keystone based on orientation
brightness val brightness: Int?
Projected image brightness between 0 and 100.
contrast val contrast: Int?
Projected image contrast between 0 and 100.
displayMode val displayMode: DisplayMode?
displayPosition val displayPosition: DisplayPosition?
focus val focus: Int?
Focus knob position between 0 and 100.
keystone val keystone: Int?
Shapes the image. Between -40 and 40 degrees.
ledOn val ledOn: Boolean?
Tells if the LEDs are on.
orientation val orientation: Int?
Angle between the projected image bottom and the horizon. Between 0 and 78 degrees.
powerOn val powerOn: Boolean?
Tells if the projector is powered.
zoom val zoom: Int?
Projected image zoom. Between 0 and 100.


describeContents fun describeContents(): Int
Parcelable boilerplate.
writeToParcel fun writeToParcel(dest: Parcel, flags: Int): Unit
Parcelable boilerplate.

Companion Object Properties

defaultState val defaultState: ProjectorState
Default settings, mainly used for unit tests.

Companion Object Functions

createFromParcel fun createFromParcel(parcel: Parcel): ProjectorState
Parcelable boilerplate.
newArray fun newArray(size: Int): Array<ProjectorState?>
Parcelable boilerplate.